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Writer's pictureSandra Joan

It's Officially Holiday Season When The Red Cup Shows Up

Updated: Dec 4, 2023

holidays, coffee, Christmas, Starbucks

We all know that Starbucks officially kicks off their holiday drinks aka Red Cup season come November 1st so I take that as a clear sign of it being more than okay to start decorating for Christmas. Funny thing though they don't actually launch their Red Cup Day until almost the end of November. I'm not normally one to go through the hustle and bustle to get one of their Red Cup's but this year it just so happens that our son started working at Starbucks and so we get all the perks from his employee discount, free drinks and a free bag of ground coffee to brew right at home. He's been spoiling us that's for sure. So I guess we literally know what he's getting us for Christmas 😂 . No spoilers please!

Anyway besides that, what better way to kick off my blog with a new domain ( being on a new hosting platform than talking coffee and Christmas. I don't know about you but I've been knee deep in all the Hallmark Christmas movies lately, playing Christmas music and decorating slowly throughout our home. I realized that I had more ground to cover in this house. Therefore finding my footing this holiday season in our home this year has been a treat. Getting to know our home throughout the seasons this year has been a lot of fun and challenging at times. As we're slowly cosmetically giving this home a facelift. But I love taking my time and not rushing the process because in the end it's a home we're going to be living in for a while and I'm not trying to please anyone but ourselves while I take my time working on each room and DIY projects I start but realize still need to finish.

I also don't think I have much of a bucket list this holiday season besides spending time with family and taking time to care for myself and simply enjoy and be present in the moments most necessary. Next week is Thanksgiving and we're going to host in our home with our kids and friends. I remember this time last year we were in limbo and in the process of purchasing our home so the holidays were somewhat scattered a little bit. We made the best of them as always and that's always the plan every year. But I love that we're here in our home and we get to do everything in a more relaxed environment and not stress about anything other than the turkey.

Speaking of it's an 18lb bird this year and it's officially thawing as of today. Isn't the Thanksgiving countdown so fun. But obviously the best part is the day of and all the things that come with Turkey Day! Personally my favorite part is the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and I hear it's supposed to be better and longer this year. Can't wait.

I have so much more to share with you all in the coming days so if you don't already follow me on Instagram or here make sure to do so because I'll be sharing Christmas inspo, holiday gift guides, finally our be sharing how our faux fireplace mantle turned out and more!

Always so thankful for you and for always supporting me through my endeavors but especially for taking the time to read my blog.

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