Let’s face it - the means and measures you use in pursuit of increasing household value are no secret. To begin with, sometimes household value is out of your hands.
The general flow of the market, the exclusivity of your location, and yes, sometimes the gentrification that takes place can all alter your house value in a positive direction without you even lifting a finger.

It’s important to note, however, that improving value to a significant degree will often mean taking action in some respect. You’re no doubt quite aware that investing your time into renewing a wonderful space can have a significant impact on your property value.
For example, changing an old storage-only garage space into a functional area for car storage and other utilities will have an effect.
Yet life can’t always be about renovating a house unless that’s your career. You have a job to work, a family to care for, and hobbies to keep up with; not to mention renovations are expensive.
For that reason, you may be wondering if improving your property value in a self-directed fashion, without the need for a full-scale renovation can be achieved.
We believe it can.
In this article, 'How To Improve The Value Of My Household Without Renovations' we’ll explore how to achieve exactly that:
Solar Panels
You may be surprised, but if you have a compatible roofing system, odds are you won’t have to make any changes to the space for installing solar panels. What’s better is that in a number of years the energy savings you gather will pay for the units themselves.
As more people are considering the best method for reducing their carbon footprint, it’s not hard to see exactly how investing in renewables can improve the value-added proposition of your property.
It may be that solar panels can add thousands to your value because remember, this is not only a worthwhile added provision but a promise that energy bills will cost less and that all the installation has already been taken care of. When you come to sell, then, don’t be afraid to hammer home the efforts you’ve gone to in making the home energy-efficiency.
Garden Care
You may or may not be the most avid gardener in your neighborhood, but you’d be amazed at how much of an effect your green space can have regarding the value of your home. Even relatively minor efforts like laying new turf that looks completely fresh and green can give a much better impression than a dead area used for storage.
Pulling weeds, using the effective services of professional tree trimmers, and replacing your garden path with newer patio slabs or stones can be ideal. You can also pull weeds, trim the grass borders of your driveway, and fix your water runoff can make a big difference.
Also - never underestimate how important power-washing can be for the removal of grime. An operator can set the exact water pressure to remove grime and built-up dirt from your fences, gates, pathways, and even walls. This gives your property a sense of vibrance it may not have enjoyed since your fixtures were new.
Lighting Defines All
Think of how much more vibrant, lovely, and resplendent your home looks during the peak of a clear summer’s day. You can emulate that vibrance around your home, too, even on overcast days, if you implement better lighting solutions.
We’re certain your home is well-lit already, but it can be nice to replace lampshades if they’ve been around for a while, dust other lighting fixtures, and implement lamps or brighter bulbs where the coverage might not be as impressive.
You could also use better netted curtains or implement blinds to allow more natural light in during the day. Even if these are temporary solutions you use for home visits or inspections, odds are you can help your home look its best with some nice lighting. Also don’t forget mood lighting - a warming amber or even colored lighting in some rooms can add a real sense of mood and ambiance.
If you’re looking for a truly magical alternative, you might consider outside lighting. Sure, you’re unlikely to arrange home visits at night, or gather a valuation in the darker hours, but some good pathway lighting can look wonderful if properly installed.
A Clean Driveway
The first impression is absolutely essential for a home valuation expert. Sure, they know to look at the actual properties of your household as opposed to being fooled by a pretty exterior, but that exterior really does count.
So, cleaning up your driveway and garden is key. You might have old furniture, an unused grill that may or may not work, climbing equipment for your child that needs to be moved, or a covered trampoline. Perhaps your driveway gate could do with a little cleaning, or your porch could do with a repaint. It’s nice to implement the changes you can so the first thought a valuation expert has is “This property looks well-maintained and cleaned.”
Note that your house doesn’t have to look like a perfect showroom to gain a favorable valuation, but as you might dress for a formal event, it’s good to look your best.
Air Quality
You may be surprised just how the little things can influence your home’s valuation. Of course, that’s not to say the mood of the person who comes to your property that day will have an effect, but you may be surprised just how many little influences can help the home seem welcoming and livable.
It’s not uncommon for property owners to bake a fresh batch of cookies to cover the house in a delectable scent before the expert comes, but of course, you don’t have to become that focused and attentive.
However, some efforts really can have an effect. Think about the use of a home air purifier. If working well, it can remove toxins, neutralize positive ions in the environment, and make the space feel much more breathable. It also pulls dust from the air, making the environment cleaner and more relaxing to occupy.
So - perhaps you’ll keep this affordable unit on, use your air conditioning, or do whatever you can to make the environment more pleasant and relaxing to occupy. If you have pets, then perhaps you’ll ask a relative to care for them for the day so the smell of wet dogs isn’t present while you’re gaining your valuation. Small measures like this make your home seem that much more inviting.
Open Spaces
You might have the impression that unless every single room in your household is perfect, fully finished, and beautiful, your home valuation isn’t going to be as effective. That’s not entirely true. After all, valuation experts aren’t looking for the kind of sofa you have or the style of wall decorations you’ve hung - they expect you to take all of that with you when you move.
They do, however, look to the basic functions and layout of the property to see what tangible selling points they can offer to their potential clients. So - if a room is just being used for storage now, why not place those items in a self-storage locker a few minutes drive away, to show the space completely open and unused?
This way, your valuation expert gets a clearer view of the dimensions of the room, how many power sockets it has, how the light travels within, and what it could be used for.
In other words, don’t be ashamed of unused and open spaces in your house. Let your property owner look at them as a blank slate. It will help your valuation for the better.
With this advice, you’re sure to improve the value of your household, even without renovations going forward.